“The Color of Connection”

“The Color of Connection” was a performance done in collaboration with dance faculty at Texas A&M. The project explores choreography in an immersive 360 environment from Igloo Vision. Pairs of dancers interact with each other and their digital counterparts across tangible and virtual space.

I was responsible for all technical aspects of the production. Dancer motion was captured used two Kinect systems, and that data transferred over a local network to a central machine running TouchDesigner. The input data was used to splat forces onto a custom fluid simulation written in GLSL, which was then piped to Igloo’s content management software using Spout for projection.

TouchDesigner, Igloo System

A performance of “The Color of Connection” in April 2023. This is an interactive 360 video.

Interactive Narratives for Immersive 360 Environments

Worked with Dr. Hwaryoung Seo and Michael Bruner to create a system for creating interactive narratives in an immersive 360 degree environment. Students used this system in the “Immersive Virtual Environments” course in 2023 to learn about and create narrative concept work in an XR environment. A paper on the project and associated pedagogy was accepted to ISEA 2024.

Unity, Igloo System

Example of a student project using the system to create an interactive narrative with 360 video in an immersive environment