Fourier Synthesis of Ocean Waves

This work was done as part of an internship program with Blizzard Entertainment’s Story and Franchise Development department for use in Blizzard cinematics. The project included implementing an ocean waves evaluation library based on existent research (from e.g. Tessendorf and Horvath) and integrating that library into the FX team’s workflow across Houdini and Katana.

C++, Houdini HDK, Katana Op API

This video is property of and posted with the permission of Blizzard Entertainment


Shimmer is a physically based spectral rendering system written in Rust based on the ray tracing algorithm.


Ray Tracing in One Weekend, in Rust

This is a small ray tracer developed in Rust. It is largely based on Peter Shirley’s books on ray tracing, with some extensions such as parallelization via rayon and tiled rendering. I’ve also used it to experiment with hash-based ray path prediction (HRPP).

This project is no longer under development; I’ve directed my interest in light transport towards Shimmer.



Feriphys is a crate for physics simulations for computer graphics applications. Features include deformable meshes, cloth simulation, flocking, CPU-bound particle simulations, smoothed particle hydrodynamics, and rigid body dynamics. It is based on “Foundations of Physically Based Modelling and Animation” by Donald House and John C. Keyser, under the tutelage of the latter.

The simulations are rendered in a custom engine built using wgpu.

Rust, wgpu

Real-time Fluid Surface Simulation via Heightfield Approximation

Heightfield approximation is a computationally cheap method for simulating fluid surfaces over arbitrary domains in real time. In exchange, it is unable to represent more complex phenomena such as breaking waves and droplets. This makes the model a good fit for simulating large bodies of water. Heightfield approximation is also sometimes called iWaves.


“The Color of Connection”

“The Color of Connection” was a performance done in collaboration with dance faculty at Texas A&M. The project explores choreography in an immersive 360 environment from Igloo Vision. Pairs of dancers interact with each other and their digital counterparts across tangible and virtual space.

I was responsible for all technical aspects of the production. Dancer motion was captured, and the resulting optical flow used to drive a fluid simulation written in GLSL based on the stable fluids model. This fluid simulation was then displayed via the Igloo system to complement the dance performance.

GLSL, TouchDesigner, Igloo 360

A performance of “The Color of Connection” from April 2023. This is an interactive 360 video.